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Alessandro Minoccheri

Tag: automation

Push and Publish Docker Images With Github Actions

In many articles, I mentioned many times about using GitHub Actions because they are a good choice for a lot of reasons. Nowadays I can admit that there is another choice that I have explored and used a lot these days. What I mean is the functionality of pushing your docker image through your GitHub Actions during your CI process. You can read my article here: Push and Publish Docker Images With Github Actions

How Dotfiles Can Save You a Lot of Time

As a developer, I try to automate and optimize all of my processes and workflow. A dotfiles repository is a set of configurations that can be used, usually, on every Linux or OSX system. You can create your own configuration because… How dotfiles can save you a lot of time

Deploy on Friday without fear

I have heard a lot of times: “Don’t deploy on Friday!” Well, I understand why, but I disagree with 99% of the cases. To understand my point of view, I would like to share some concepts about software… Why you should deploy on Friday without fear